Barr. Esther Omenka epitomizes resilience and dedication in her multifaceted roles as a legal luminary, social advocate, and change-maker. A serial entrepreneur, public servant, philanthropist and activist, she embodies the wholesome 21st century Woman. As a public servant and Senior legal practitioner,her influence extends to shaping policies and frameworks crucial for maritime governance and economic development.

Beyond her governmental duties, Esther's heart beats passionately for women's empowerment and social justice. Her leadership as the Executive Director of the StarCrest for Women in Africa Foundation has catalyzed transformative change across the Continent. Through innovative vocational skill acquisition programs, advocacy campaigns, community development projects, mentoring services and more, she has empowered countless women across the African Continent, amplifying their voices and fostering economic independence.

Certified as an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) specialist, her expertise intertwines seamlessly with her advocacy efforts. Her unwavering commitment to gender equity and child welfare especially the girl child has earned her international acclaim, with numerous awards and accolades adorning her distinguished career.

As a devoted wife and mother, barrister Esther personifies the delicate balance between professional excellence and personal fulfillment. She’s often heard saying”You can do anything you put your mind on; only if you believe”. Her remarkable journey serves as a testament to the power of resilience, compassion, and unwavering dedication in creating a more just and equitable society.

In every role she undertakes, Barrister Esther Omenka radiates a spirit of hope and possibility, inspiring generations to come and leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of social change.

Thank you for your interest and support.

Esther Omenka Esq (Mrs) Executive Director, Starcrest for Women in Africa.